Hollywood Support Staff COVID-19 Relief Fund — Los Angeles

Liz Alper
2 min readMar 19, 2020


For Los Angeles-based support staff members affected by COVID-19 closures in Hollywood; please scroll down for the application.

The intent of this fund is to provide approved applicants with a one-time stipend to minimize financial hardship caused by recent work stoppages in the entertainment industry. These modest stipends are meant to provide immediate relief to support staff who have recently lost work and income due to COVID-19-related shut downs.

We are offering one-time stipends for two categories: PARTIAL-WAGE LOSS ($450 stipend) and TOTAL-WAGE LOSS ($900 stipend). We will be fulfilling requests for aid based on the order they are received and the urgency of the applicant’s personal situation. In the event that the campaign surpasses its goal and every qualified applicant has received a stipend, the remaining funds will be distributed evenly among the qualified applicants.

- PARTIAL WAGE LOSS: A one-time amount of $450 will be given to applicants reporting partial-wage loss and facing financial hardship due to COVID-19 related shut downs (ex. an applicant who made $900/week previously but is now dependent on a $450/week unemployment benefit).

- TOTAL WAGE LOSS: A one-time amount of $900 will be given to applicants reporting total-wage loss and facing financial hardship due to COVID-19 related shut downs (ex. 1099 employees who do not qualify for EDD, new assistants who had their start dates pushed indefinitely, etc.).

Complete the following application in full. We cannot approve any incomplete applications. Before filling out the application, please note applicants must:

1) Reside in the Greater Los Angeles area.

2) Must be currently working as support staff and able to document current loss of pay OR-

3) Must provide documentation that start day for new support staff position was pushed due to COVID-19 shutdown.

(Documentation includes emails, copies of letters or correspondence from supervisors, employers, HR departments, etc. 1099 employees must submit documentation of 1099 status)

4) Must provide documentation that an unemployment application was submitted. Acceptable forms of documentation include: photos of received EDD letters, EDD application completion emails, etc. Redact private information such as social security numbers and case files that could compromise your online safety. We do not need this information to distribute funds

5) Submit the above requested documents to PUHGoFundMe@gmail.com with the heading “Lastname_Firstname_Company_Date”. This must be submitted within 24 hours of completing this application. If documents are not received, the application will be marked incomplete.

In order to help as many people as possible, we are unable to offer anything beyond the one-time stipend. We will be distributing funds based on when the application was received and how great the need for relief is (based on information from the applicant).

Please understand there are many people hurting. While 100% of the funds received will be distributed to applicants, the amount of need may outweigh the number of donations we raise and we may not be able to provide relief for every applicant.

Apply here.



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